Monday, December 9, 2019

Importance of Being a

Question: Discuss about the Importance of Being a Volunteer. Answer: Introduction The main performance of the Black and White cabs in Australia lies in providing efficient transportation facilities to the customers and accordingly they meet the customers expectations. Before I share my experience as a volunteer for 4 days and 4 hours, it is important for me to talk about a little background of the company where I worked. The specific aims of the Black and White cabs in Western Australia, is to improve the operations of the company in different fields. Adopting Principles to encourage the growth of business and increase the share of market. The aim of the company is also to provide opportunities to staff and satisfaction in the field of job (, 2017). As a volunteer in the cab service, in the field of administration and in four days, I experienced many new things, such as I developed the power of communication, self- presentation. At the same time, I developed the skills of multitasking and my mentor through the mentoring experience helped me t o gather knowledge in the different field of the company. Despite the challenges I faced, I managed to work with the people of the company and fulfilled my satisfaction as a volunteer. Volunteering: A new experience gathered The objective of the volunteer work serves organization with its basic requirements through meeting its goals. In certain cases volunteers are important in certain businesses which might fulfill the needs of the company. Volunteer work is the implementation of the education, that he learned in the school environment (Council, 2012). It helps to grow insights, helps to build relationships with the people by helping them and the volunteers create for other employers and people a good environment and accordingly I consider myself to be very lucky while serving as I work in the administer cell of the company. I indulged myself in multi-tasking such as I worked in a reception where I responded to the inquiries which are incoming to the offices of Black and White cabs. Also I took part in the developing the campaigns of market and participated in the communication services for promoting to the passengers of Black and White cabs, operators and drivers. I always wanted to pursue my career in hospitality and this company has provided me a strong base to develop my knowledge on hospitality and customer services. In this way I have volunteered in the company. I also managed to involve myself in answering the incoming calls and managing them efficiently. As a volunteer or trainer I was also been provided training where I was taught about the culture of the company and was given opportunities to develop here as a professional employee. During my volunteering days, I learned to communicate with other employees and learn various things about the job environment (Mowday, Porter Steers, 2013). They a lso made me realize my inner ability to talk without being discouraged. I discovered a new me in these a few days of work. I faced challenges while presenting myself in the office culture. In order to cultivate in the environment of the companys culture, it is important to establish a self presentation by establishing self-esteem in us. The objective of the self presentation is to create an image rather a professional image which has to be accepted by other office workers (Giacalone Rosenfield, 2013). In the beginning, I was tensed about the new job environment and how I am supposed to introduce myself to the workers. While I was given an on job training, I gradually developed the process of being self esteem. Even I remember, I fumbled over phone calls, and even I faced difficulties in overcoming the technical words and using them accordingly. Thanks to my mentors or co-workers for helping me out to carry the courage to focus on the professional talks that is needed to carry out with the customers. Communications forms an important as aspect in the field of volunteering work (Broadbent, 2013; Kramer Meisenbach Hansen, 2013). Good communication has the power to run the business efficiently. I gather great experiences while communicating. I managed the incoming calls. I communicated the customers living in Brisbane and also helped out with the available taxis. I also managed the incoming inquires and accordingly managed to communicate them to the head of the departments. I learned in these four days how these inquires are being managed by the employers. The purpose of the volunteer is to build a beautiful communication based on interaction (Broadbent, 2013). I interacted properly with the workers and I kept in touch with them. There were also other volunteers in the company who are incorporated into various other sections and they are equipped with their wants and interests. Even in due time, I learned about how I dealt with the functions of other volunteers belonging to differe nt segments. Importance of mentoring Mentoring is a process of providing support to a young group of individuals who are looking forward to seek training education or job. The importance of mentoring lies in certain facts that it aims to play certain significant roles and that is organizing meetings with the volunteers in the field of training (Hall, 2016; Slanetz Boiselle, 2012). Mentoring also helps the volunteers or the trainees to identify their decisions and cultivate their mindset about the particular job that a volunteer is looking forward in life to acquire training or jobs in life. Mentors also help the trainees to develop their sense of justice towards their own work and encouraging them to take decisions in life (Hall, 2016; Slanetz Boiselle, 2012). In my experience in company, my mentor Mr. Jonas Smith, helped me to cooperate with the works that I have been registered to be doing in the doing. It has encouraged me to utilize skills and gather experiences. He helped me to acquire knowledge in the field of d ealing with customers and he also told me how to deal with the job challenges while I was in the reception. Not only Mr.Smith but also my co-workers helped me in different fields of administration. They taught me the usages of professional vocabularies and in dealing with the network system Mentoring is a job that forms the basis of my work in company. Without the help of my mentor, I would not have abled to work properly in this professional world. They helped me to dealt with troubles we usually face. On the third day of my training, a new volunteer joined in the reception work and I helped the volunteer with the new techniques of the business. Mentoring is something which is passed from one person to another. By giving the new volunteer directions, it definitely reminds me of the experiences I gather in three days of my life. Conclusion On a concluding note, I would like to state that I really gathered some beautiful experiences by working with the Black and White cabs in Australia. I got the opportunity to develop the professional self-esteem in these 4 days and 4 hours and also the employers who helped me a lot with the minimum requirements. They as mentors helped me with the certain objectives of the company and also helped me to present myself and analyzed me the workings of the company. The mentor Mt.Jonas Smith and other co- workers also cooperated with me and showed me the path to attain an employment opportunity in this company. References (2017).About - Black White Cabs Pty Ltd.Black White Cabs Pty Ltd. Retrieved 22 June 2017, from Broadbent, D. E. (2013).Perception and communication. Elsevier. Council, H. S. P. (2012). Volunteer Centre.Ontario (https://www. haltonspcvc. on. ca/dispatch/cd0403. htm). Han, Xiaoshu (2007. Measuring the Welfare Cost of Mandatory Employer-provided Health Insurance. Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin (https://www. eco. utexas. edu/~ xshan/papers/chap3policy. pdf). Giacalone, R. A., Rosenfeld, P. (2013).Impression management in the organization. Psychology Press. Hall, J. L. (2016). Importance of mentoring.Canadian Family Physician,62(4), 357-357. Kramer, M. W., Meisenbach, R. J., Hansen, G. J. (2013). Communication, uncertainty, and volunteer membership.Journal of Applied Communication Research,41(1), 18-39. Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M. (2013).Employeeorganization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press. Slanetz, P. J., Boiselle, P. M. (2012). Mentoring matters.American Journal of Roentgenology,198(1), W11-W12.

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